Advanced DSP56k C/C++/EC++ Compiler

  • Fully compliant ANSI-C and ISO C++ compiler.
  • Complete compatibility with Freescale GNU compiler.
  • Static, reentrant and mixed memory models.
  • Cache handling pragmas, and built-in functions.
  • Built-in support for overflow and saturation.
  • In-line expansion of predefined functions.
  • Flexible and powerful assembler, linker and locator to generate ROMable code.
  • Powerful branch optimizations.
  • Predefined functions for model options.
  • Storage Specifiers for X, Y L and P memory.
  • Compiler generated DO and REP loops.
  • Circular buffer data type and MAC instruction access for efficient filter loops.
  • Powerful optimization techniques including: common subexpression elimination, loop recognition and variable usage analysis.
  • ANSI C, runtime, fixed, and floating point libraries.

Embedded Development Environment

  • Intuitive project setup and management features.
  • Powerful language sensitive editor.
  • Efficient type-ahead editing.
  • Pre-defined and custom code outlines.
  • Easy configuration of DSP56xxx C/C++ compiler, assembler, linker/locator, and debugger.
  • Fully automated make facility.
  • HTML language and web browser support.

CrossView Pro DSP56k Debugger

  • Flexible viewing windows for source, register, trace, memory, stack, data, and command.
  • Powerful Bubble-Spy technology for quick and easy viewing of variable or function values.
  • Configurable code, data and stack breakpoints.
  • Multiple DSP debugging.
  • Powerful file system simulation.
  • Record and playback debug session.
  • On-chip debug (OCDS) support.
  • Powerful performance analysis options including: cycle counting, profiling, code coverage, and programmable DSP graphical data analysis.
  • C, assembly level and stack tracing.