
The TASKING TriCore Inspector is a tool which allows you to verify whether compilation of your code is affected by known issues in various components of the TASKING VX-toolset for TriCore as published on the TASKING Issue Portal *.

The Inspector tool is set up in a way that it does not require any complex search scripts or manual review of your software, no matter whether you have 1.000 or 1.000.000 lines of source code in your project.

The TASKING TriCore Inspector significantly reduces manual code inspection and provides enough information to perform a risk assessment to be able to make a decision if a patch/mitigation needs to be applied or not.

*Access to all known issues and mitigations




  • The automated detectors in the Inspector tool optimize your errata management, removing the need to perform manual code verification by hand
  • Provides guidance if a patch/mitigation needs to be implemented or not
  • Stay in complete compliance with industry-standard safety regulations including ISO26262 for the life of your project
  • Reduces time to market


The TASKING TriCore Inspector has all the same command-line tools as the TASKING VX-toolset and is available for v6.2r2 and v6.3r1 .
The Eclipse IDE and debugger are not part of the TASKING TriCore Inspector.

To get a free trial, please fill in our evaluation form.