Complete LC87 Development Solution
- Lifetime support for LC87 microprocessor family from ON Semiconductor®.
- Conforms to all common and compiler relevant C, ISO, IEEE and ABI standards.
- Industry-leading code optimization techniques provide the fastest and most compact code possible.
- Powerful C compiler technology based on TASKING Viper technology.
- Complete development environment with assembler, linker, locator, compiler, and debugger.
- Fully integrated development environment in Eclipse-based IDE.
- Supports all current and future starter kit boards through debugger.
- Support for industry-leading code checking standards including MISRA C and CERT C.
- Powerful code instrumentation and run-time error checking capabilities.
- Comprehensive C, run-time, and floating-point libraries.
- New debugger technology fully integrated into Eclipse IDE.
- Support for Easy Micon® trial boards.