Item File/Notes
GETCID utility


Use this utility to generate a computer ID for a node-locked license, not connected to the Internet.

License server
Release Note

Version v1.3r1 of the License server on PC/Windows. You only need this when installing a local (Windows-based) license server, for servicing floating licenses.

Note that this software may also be present in the original distribution (product CD-ROM or product download) of some TASKING products. It is always recommended to install the most recent version of the license server from this website. In case you install an older version, you need to inform your TASKING representative in order to prepare the correct license configuration for you.

License server
Release Note

Version v1.3r1 of the License server (SW000089) on Linux. You only need this when installing a local (Linux based) license server, for servicing floating licenses.

TASKING License Management
User Manual


Comprehensive documentation on TASKING License Management System.

Recommended reading for IT/Network managers.

Update v1.3r1 of licborrow utility.

licborrow for Windows

licborrow for Linux

This version of licborrow addresses an issue that may occur under certain conditions when an error message "No TASKING product found" is reported.