TASKING SmartCode v10.2r1p1 Release Note


This release note covers the release of version v10.2r1p1 of TASKING SmartCode. For release notes prior to v10.2r1p1, please visit the TASKING SmartCode support website. Patches are cumulative; meaning a later patch contains new fixes plus all fixes from previous patches.


Important Notices

Changed components

This patch contains changes to the following components:

Note: Please be careful when extracting the TriCore library sources by running ctc\lib\src\unpack-tc-libc-sources.exe from the original Smartcode installation. By doing so, any changed library source file or makefile from this patch will be reverted to the original one. As a result, the fixed library issues mentioned for this patch are not effective anymore.

Build Numbers

For this patch, the following executable files have an updated build number: Build 24013048.

All other executable files still have the original v10.2r1 build number: Build 23112455.

Fixed Issues in v10.2r1p1

Uninstalling the Patch

After installation of this patch, the directory backup_patch1 is present in the installation directory of the product.

  1. Copy the contents of directory backup_patch1 to the installation directory. This way you overwrite the files installed by the patch.
  2. Remove directory backup_patch1.

License Information

TASKING products are protected with TASKING license management software.

License key

You need a license key when you install a TASKING product on a computer. When you order a TASKING product from TASKING or one of its distributors, a license key will be sent to you by email or on paper.

See the TASKING License Management (TLM) Support page for information on obtaining a license.

License pool mechanism

You can now define a named pool of specific licenses on the local license server.

A license pool is useful to specify that the licenses for one or more products shall be grouped together. This can be the case for example when your license agreement has constraints on geographical location, such as a single site license, country license or continental license. In that case you can put all product licenses that are allowed to be used by a specific location into a license pool.

Pool names for TASKING products released after March 2023 have the syntax POOL-name, where the name is free to choose from 1 up to 14 characters. Pool names are also supported with existing TASKING products, as long as you use the new local license server and specify the pool names in the fixed format POOL-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
Note that you also need to use this fixed pool name format if you are mixing older and newer TASKING products.

The PRODUCT keyword has been deprecated, but still works for backwards compatibility.

Support for wait for a free license

You can now set the TSK_LICENSE_WAIT option in licopt.txt to a configurable time period to wait for a free license seat to become available instead of directly terminating when a license request is denied.